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■   Immediate Skill Transfer: Classroom to Workplace
■   Goal-Oriented Approach
 Learning & Thinking Style Focus
■   Work-Related Class Activities
■   Multiple Options for Training Class Scheduling
■   All-Inclusive Program Rates
  TL Strategies Workbook
 Extended Instruction Program


 Feature    Benefit

Skill Transfer: Classroom to Workplace

Receiving Information

We will show your employee how to learn and retain new information using highly effective reading, listening, and memory strategies.  To ensure immediate results, they will use their own work materials and current work topics during the training class.

Processing Information

We will show your employees how to develop their critical and creative thinking skills to accurately analyze information, properly define problems, and generate realistic solutions - even when under pressure.  They will practice our thinking strategies on issues they currently face in their job.

Communicating Information

We will show your employees how to efficiently and effectively communicate their message (written and verbal) using flexible strategies that can be implemented quickly and easily.

Overall, we will provide a variety of flexible �strategy modules� to help each participant immediately apply their new skills when they return to their job.


Classroom training usually occurs in a controlled and safe learning environment.  However, most work environments are rushed and even chaotic - with tangible consequences for poor performance.

Therefore, even if your employees sincerely want to apply their new skills once they return to work, they often feel the pressure to complete their assignments as quickly as possible.  As a result, they often delay applying their new skills and resort to their old, proven (and "comfortable") skills. 

Our �strategy modules� are short, realistic techniques that can be quickly integrated into an individual�s personal way of thinking (i.e. his or her comfort zone).  If employees feel comfortable with a particular strategy they will apply it immediately and often.

The successful application of these strategies will also significantly raise the confidence level of each employee - and confident employees learn faster, take the initiative, and embrace change.


 Feature    Benefit

Goal-Oriented Approach

Receiving Information

We will show your employees how to read and listen with specific objectives in mind to ensure they remain focused on the key information.

Processing Information

We will show your employees how to approach all their tasks with a goal-oriented mindset.  Specifically, they will develop a "big picture" mentality to ensure their solutions are relevant to your organization's short and long-term objectives.

Communicating Information

We will show your employees how to communicate (verbally and in writing) to ensure their listeners and readers quickly understand the message and act on the message in the required timeframe.


Goal-oriented employees excel in all areas due to their strong focus and desire for self-improvement.  These employees typically create personal goals for each task, and they seek the most efficient path to reach their goals.

ur training classes will show your employees how to become mentally and physically goal-oriented when completing all their work-related tasks.  But since every employee is different, we will provide highly flexible strategies and worksheets that will help your employees multi-task without losing focus on individual and organizational goals.

All of our programs also include time management and organizational strategies to help your employees reduce their stress levels and ensure a seamless transition from one project to the next.


 Feature    Benefit

Learning & Thinking Style Focus

Receiving Information

We will show your employees how to use their personal learning style to decipher complex reading material and stay focused while listening to others.

Processing Information

We will show your employees how to organize new information using their personal thinking style to ensure the information makes sense and is remembered for later use.

Communicating Information

We will show your employees how to recognize the learning and thinking preferences of others to ensure their communication is received, understood, and acted on accordingly.


When employees use their personal learning and thinking style to gather and process new information, they are using their natural aptitude.  When a process feels natural, it is always easier to implement.  As you know, employees don't avoid the easy tasks; they avoid starting complex or undesirable tasks.  

However, for some employees attending a training class may feel like an undesirable task.  But when our past participants used their preferred learning and thinking style to apply our strategies, they said the process felt more like a common sense extension of what they already knew - which makes it more likely they will apply our learning and communication strategies long after the class ends.

See Participant Comments


 Feature    Benefit

Work-Related Class Activities

Receiving Information

Your employees will practice the majority of the reading strategies on their own current (or future) reading assignments.  Our listening strategies will be reinforced through a variety of group activities that use topics related to your organization's goals.

Processing Information

Your employees will practice applying our strategies using class activities that allow them to create possible solutions to current work issues facing your organization.

Communicating Information

Your employees will practice our written and verbal communication strategies using work topics that they deal with on a daily basis.


It is well-known that new information should be applied immediately after it is learned to ensure excellent comprehension and retention. 

Using their own work materials to practice our strategies will certainly improve your employees' comprehension and retention, but it will also help your employees instantly recognize the true benefit of the strategies - an important step to ensure they continue using the strategies long after the training class ends.

Of course, another benefit of this approach is that your employees will actually complete parts of their work-related assignments while attending the training.


 Feature    Benefit

Multiple Options for Class Scheduling

Instructor Availability:

  Morning (6:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.)
  Afternoon (12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.)
  Evening (5:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.)
  Early Morning (12:00 a.m. - 6:00 a.m.)
  Saturday (8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.)


Some employees don't work 9 - 5, and some employees can't afford to spend time in a classroom during normal business hours while their supervisors, clients, co-workers, etc. need their help.  Therefore, we have created an open scheduling policy to accommodate your training needs.

There is no additional charge for scheduling during non-standard hours.


 Feature    Benefit

All-Inclusive Training Rates

  Group Rate: $2,500 (up to 30 participants)
  Per Person Rate: $195 (minimum 5 participants)
  Direct Billing with no hidden costs
  No additional cost for program customization


All-inclusive rates certainly minimize paperwork on your end - but they also produce significant savings when you have more than 12 employees attend one of our training classes. 


 Feature    Benefit

Strategies Workbook

Each workbook contains:

  All the topic strategies covered in the training
  Step-by-step instructions for applying strategies
  Reference tabs to quickly find specific strategies
  Multiple worksheets for applying the strategies


This workbook will not only keep your employees focused during the training class, it will serve as a valuable resource for applying the strategies long after the class ends. 

The availability of the workbook during the class also helps reduce the learning anxiety some participants feel when starting a training class.  After all, adults who performed poorly in school may still feel insecure about their learning abilities - and if an employee believes (right or wrong) their employer is evaluating how well they retain the training information, their learning anxiety will intensify - which will minimize their learning efficiency.


 Feature    Benefit

Extended Instruction Program
(following the on-site training class)

  6 months of access to their classroom instructor
  Participants can ask follow-up questions

Overall, participants can receive customized advice based on their personal learning/thinking style and their specific work situation.


This is another stress reducer for the learner.  Usually employees must conceive and ask their questions during the actual training class to take advantage of the instructor's knowledge. This can place a lot of pressure on the employees, which can cloud their thinking process. How many times have you thought of questions after a class ended?

The Extended Instruction Program will not only help employees remain focused during the training class, it will allow them to ask for help applying the training strategies on new or difficult work situations they encounter months after the class ends.


© Target Learning, LLC